We provide outer dog sledding gear but please bring your own warm layers to wear underneath. Our parkas are top quality SKOOKUM BRAND anoraks, beautifully designed and made in the north. These anoraks layer well over your down jacket and other layers.
We will also put you into a pair of our fabulous STEGER MUKLUKS and some really warm beaver mitts and snow pants. If you want to wear your own snow boots they must be rated to at least -80°C or -100°C (The number is just an insulation rating, not a temperature rating). The -35°C boots are not warm enough for even -20°C temperatures.
We recommend several packs of hand and toe warmers such as HOT SHOTS or GRABBERS which you can purchase in stores or from us for $5 a pair.
Parkas made in the North!
You supply:
Some people like to order their own mukluks before their winter trip to the north. If you have winter at home with some snow the Arctic with Ribbon or the black slip-on Yukon Jacks are the warmest and best snow boots you will ever own. Check out their catalogue. www.mukluks.com
Arctic Chalet Resort and Tours
25 Carn Street, Box 1099, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0 , Canada